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Our coffee story begins in the spring of 2008 and still going. As a distributor of all sorts and formats of coffee, from organic, through the single origin, to other high-quality blends of the most eminent coffee manufacturers, we succeed to split a wide net of satisfied customers and proved that the service team fulfills all the needs. All our daily activities are as per HSE standards, prescribed by NIS Gazprom Neft in all their systems.

After a decade of focused, hard work, six mobile teams, 3 570 000 kilometers spent on the road, we have grown enough to be able to offer you the most professional and unique service, from general maintenance of coffee machines, by "on-site" repairs, to providing coffee supplies and machines to your place through the whole country and further.

Espresso Expres

Over 10 years of experience

During 2018 we became exclusive distributor and service partner of German superautomatic coffee machines manufacturer Macchiavalley, for Ex YU region. In this way, we got the opportunity to get You close with the most advanced coffee machines on the market, which together with our long-standing partners in the coffee industry guarantee the best taste in Your cup of coffee.

Our Pro team was collecting, and still collects knowledge and experience in the best espresso machine factories in Italy and Germany, and Serbian experts as well, by constantly attending training held by the biggest names in this branch. All this helped us to build our own personal identity by tanking over parts of expertize and to specialize ourselves in service of all types of coffee machines, from the smallest to the most complex systems. That is why, without false modesty, we can say that we are the youngest, but one of the most competent and experienced teams in our country. Our focus in the future will be super automatic coffee machines on remote monitoring system – as premium service support. Except that, we are still covering all HoReCa and OCS systems.

We care about our planet

Togehther we are raising sociaty's awareness of preservation of the environment. That is why we are doing our best to use blodegradable materials and products made of recycled raw materials. As a team we have promised to improve our planet and life quality by providing certain number of seedlings. We have started up production of organic fruits and vegetables.

Espresso Expres

Our dedication to work, a different approach to every customer, is shaped as a 24/7 commitment to getting full operating work of all coffee machines. The care is recognized by our clients and we are delighted to say that the number of satisfied partners is growing day by day.

Except flawless service, in our wide range, you can find machines, spare parts for machines, serving assets, coffee supplies, but tea, and hot chocolate supplies from the biggest brands as well.

Our technician family is a member of the Independent Association of Professional Servicers of Espresso Machines of Serbia

At Your service, 24/7 Espresso expres RS Pro team

Our core team

Technical support 24/7


Founder, Managing director


Service & logistic manager


Service planning manager


Operations Developer


Security manager


Sales representative