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Nature gives us back what we give her - Earth day - 22.4.2021.

Nature gives us back what we give her - Earth day - 22.4.2021.

Nature gives us back what we give her
Earth Day - 22.4.2021 - Climate action

It was declared Earth Day on April 22, 1970, in the USA, and since 1992 it has been celebrated all over the world. The goal is to draw attention and raise awareness about the disturbed "health" of the planet, the cause of which is exclusively man, that is, (in) human, and irresponsible behavior towards nature.

This year, under the motto Climate Action, the emphasis is on warning about climate change, which is rapidly leading to an extreme decline in the quality of life on Earth. When we talk about climate change, we do not mean natural cycles of heating and cooling, but changes that are caused by human activity. Long-term combustion of coal, earth gas, and fossil fuels has led to an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, which further causes the greenhouse effect, which is the main cause of melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and acidity, and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events (floods and droughts).

Because of all stated above, it is very important to change the acquired habits and adapt them to a sustainable way of functioning. Use renewable energy sources, invest in research and development, and generally raise awareness of ways of behaving and treating nature as a source of life.

Start as a responsible individual, and prove and demonstrate a pattern of behavior by your own example. Although Serbia is not the most fertile ground for discussion about the environment and the ecological way of life, we as a company fully support and help a large number of environmental actions. As holders of the HSE certificate, we are obliged to implement it in the everyday business model. It is known that we collect all cardboard paper waste and forward it for recycling. Although it is a symbolic amount, we use the money from recycling to buy fruit seedlings and thus contribute to a shade brighter and healthier future for our descendants ...

That is why it is time for each of us to ask ourselves how much he contributes to well-being and to re-examine personal behavior. It is important for each of us to be aware that every time he throws a piece of paper into nature, the descendants are left without food because the land is polluted, nature retaliates. Every time he throws waste into the river, he will be left without drinking water, nature retaliates. For every unplanned tree cut down, nature will return it with a flood, because there is nothing to keep water, and the flood was, again, caused by man himself, excessive carbon dioxide emissions, activating the greenhouse effect, not investing in production plants, not investing in atmosphere protection in general.

Always keep in mind that nature only gives you back what you give it. It's your first move.